I tried
to write
a poem
what I
can do with life
Sometimes I am looking for combinations of words that seem fragile, sensitive and complete at the same time. A sentence that tells a whole story. Or just sums up a little moment in time that caught me. Something between now and infinity. A sentence that abstracts my feelings. Every sentence is fully understandable only by me or the person it is dedicated to. Anyways, the fact that they are so short and widely interpretable make them accessible for many people’s very personal understanding. An intimate instant reviving a different memory for everybody.
The sentence I tried to write you a poem derives from my wish to create an artwork with words. But it is so hard to say if an artwork succeeded. Of course, my dear, you can try to satisfy me telling me that an artwork succeeded when the artist him- or herself is pleased by the end result. But I want more, I do appreciate my thoughts, that is not the deal. What I would like to reach is giving other people, my readers, a gift of a thought they either did not expect to be existent or to make them think about something they have wanted to think about before but never had the right words to fulfil this invisible act. I tried to write you a poem. A very open sentence. I tried. I am not sure if I made it. I am not sure how you feel about it. Reading this sentence you can not even be sure of if I actually wrote a poem. Or something else. Or nothing but a constellation of letters forming no sense to your eyes.